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Destiny Odyssey IX


After Completing Prologue

In this Story you will play though 5 chapters as Zidane Tribal.

Story Dialog[]

Kuja: That's a lie! That is...!

Ultimecia: No, I am sorry to say that it is the truth. I find that you are nothing but talk*...

  • (I couldn't think of a better way for her to politely say that Kuja is basically full of shit)

Kuja: ...Don't look down your nose at me!

Kuja: ...You should simply watch. I shall execute a plan more perfect than the all of yours.

Kuja: And that shall be my proof... That I am far greater than all of you!

Ultimecia: You poor boy...

Ultimecia: Then again, I do think you are a perfectly matched opponent for that insolent monkey...

So we go to our much more cheerful pair of heroes.

Zidane: So, Bartz, how about a contest?

Bartz: Contest?

Zidane: Ah, the first to find a Crystal wins. How does that sound?

Bartz: If its treasure hunt, I'll win in no time.

Zidane: Is that so? Well you're dealing with an expert thief.

Bartz: Then, I will mimic the thief and steal the victory from him!

Zidane: The treasure is... this way!

Bartz: I will also go... this way!

Bartz: Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Zidane: Quit copying me!

And so, the great crystal hunt begins!

Just as the pair think they have found one though...

Zidane: What is that?

Bartz: Could it be... a Crystal!?

Zidane: Ah... hey!

And suddenly, Bartz vanishes as soon as he touches the Crystal.

Zidane: Huh... Bartz!?

Zidane: Where did he go... Hey!

Kefka: Isn't this strange...

Kefka: The monkey was left behind, and the mouse was caught?

Kefka: Well, its all good. This should still be fun.

Zidane: Hey! Are you behind this? Where did you take Bartz!

Kefka: Damn, aren't you a noisy one!

Kefka: Shut up, little trap avoiding monkey!

Zidane: I will make you cough up Bartz's location!

(Fight scene!)

Zidane: Come on, give it up. Where did you take Bartz?

Kefka: The mouse IS* at the enemy camp!

  • (Capitalized due to Kefka's emphasis)

Kefka: Right in the middle

Kefka: Search as much as you want, but I think it'll be impossible to find him.

Zidane: Bartz!

Zidane: I'm coming for you.

Dammit, I can't remember exactly where this scene goes (I did Zidane's scenes after I had already transcribed Kuja's). So... I'm gonna put it here. ^^;

Kuja: It's because of you that my plan failed. Now what do I do?

Kefka: My, my... are you going to have a tantrum? Well go on, newbie, don't hold back!

Kuja: Shut up... You won't make a fool of me!

Kefka: Oh my, are you really upset? Don't be angry, I'm here to guide you~

Kuja: ...Hmm, I'll only work with him because I have to, but I can still play my hand.

Kuja: In the end, I will have all of them kneeling at my feet.

For good measure, here is the scene between Kuja, Garland, and Jecht.

Kuja: I'm addicted to scheming?

Kuja: That twittering won't dissuade me.

Jecht: Having fun?

Jecht: Let me join in.

(And just as there seems to be an awesome throw down coming...)

Kuja: I've lost interest.

(and after he flies away, Garland comments)

Garland: I suppose I'd find a better opponent in brawler like yourself.

And just when you thought we were done with Garland and Ultimecia...

Garland: Well done... Trifling with a person's heart makes you a most vulgar person.

Ultimecia: You mean what happened with Kuja? Someone needed to tell him the truth...

Ultimecia: But because of that, he is making himself useful now. He said that he would elaborate on his various plans to capture that monkey.

Garland: And he is so caught up in his own naive idea of cleverness that he may not realize they are not so naive themselves.

Ultimecia: As it is, we also need to head out... We have an aloof lion to ensnare in our own trap.

Garland: ...catching people in these worthless plans... Has the same happened to me...

Catching back up with Zidane...

Zidane: Dammit, where is Bartz...

Squall: Because I believe I am not alone, I can continue on this war-ridden path on my own.

(Looking over the ledge, he sees Squall preparing to fight both Garland and Ultimecia at the same time)

Zidane: Squall?

Zidane: Idiot!*

  • (That's not exactly what he says, but it's the intent behind the delivery)

Squall: I'll prove it to you.

Squall: Though we are separated, we still fight together!

(And this is where Zidane knocks Garland down!)

Zidane: You're being too cool, Squall!

Squall: Zidane!

Squall: Why did you do that?

Zidane: Do you need a reason to help someone?

Zidane: Just leave this old man to me!

Garlan<textarea tabindex='1' accesskey="," name="wpTextbox1" id="wpTextbox1" rows='25' cols='80' >== Story Dialog ==

Horizontal lines seperate scenes

Kuja: That's a lie! That is...!

Ultimecia: No, I am sorry to say that it is the truth. I find that you are nothing but talk*...

  • (I couldn't think of a better way for her to politely say that Kuja is basically full of shit)

Kuja: ...Don't look down your nose at me!

Kuja: ...You should simply watch. I shall execute a plan more perfect than the all of yours.

Kuja: And that shall be my proof... That I am far greater than all of you!

Ultimecia: You poor boy...

Ultimecia: Then again, I do think you are a perfectly matched opponent for that insolent monkey...

So we go to our much more cheerful pair of heroes.

Zidane: So, Bartz, how about a contest?

Bartz: Contest?

Zidane: Ah, the first to find a Crystal wins. How does that sound?

Bartz: If its treasure hunt, I'll win in no time.

Zidane: Is that so? Well you're dealing with an expert thief.

Bartz: Then, I will mimic the thief and steal the victory from him!

Zidane: The treasure is... this way!

Bartz: I will also go... this way!

Bartz: Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Zidane: Quit copying me!

And so, the great crystal hunt begins!

Just as the pair think they have found one though...

Zidane: What is that?

Bartz: Could it be... a Crystal!?

Zidane: Ah... hey!

And suddenly, Bartz vanishes as soon as he touches the Crystal.

Zidane: Huh... Bartz!?

Zidane: Where did he go... Hey!

Kefka: Isn't this strange...

Kefka: The monkey was left behind, and the mouse was caught?

Kefka: Well, its all good. This should still be fun.

Zidane: Hey! Are you behind this? Where did you take Bartz!

Kefka: Damn, aren't you a noisy one!

Kefka: Shut up, little trap avoiding monkey!

Zidane: I will make you cough up Bartz's location!

(Fight scene!)

Zidane: Come on, give it up. Where did you take Bartz?

Kefka: The mouse IS* at the enemy camp!

  • (Capitalized due to Kefka's emphasis)

Kefka: Right in the middle

Kefka: Search as much as you want, but I think it'll be impossible to find him.

Zidane: Bartz!

Zidane: I'm coming for you.

Dammit, I can't remember exactly where this scene goes (I did Zidane's scenes after I had already transcribed Kuja's). So... I'm gonna put it here. ^^;

Kuja: It's because of you that my plan failed. Now what do I do?

Kefka: My, my... are you going to have a tantrum? Well go on, newbie, don't hold back!

Kuja: Shut up... You won't make a fool of me!

Kefka: Oh my, are you really upset? Don't be angry, I'm here to guide you~

Kuja: ...Hmm, I'll only work with him because I have to, but I can still play my hand.

Kuja: In the end, I will have all of them kneeling at my feet.

For good measure, here is the scene between Kuja, Garland, and Jecht.

Kuja: I'm addicted to scheming?

Kuja: That twittering won't dissuade me.

Jecht: Having fun?

Jecht: Let me join in.

(And just as there seems to be an awesome throw down coming...)

Kuja: I've lost interest.

(and after he flies away, Garland comments)

Garland: I suppose I'd find a better opponent in brawler like yourself.

And just when you thought we were done with Garland and Ultimecia...

Garland: Well done... Trifling with a person's heart makes you a most vulgar person.

Ultimecia: You mean what happened with Kuja? Someone needed to tell him the truth...

Ultimecia: But because of that, he is making himself useful now. He said that he would elaborate on his various plans to capture that monkey.

Garland: And he is so caught up in his own naive idea of cleverness that he may not realize they are not so naive themselves.

Ultimecia: As it is, we also need to head out... We have an aloof lion to ensnare in our own trap.

Garland: ...catching people in these worthless plans... Has the same happened to me...

Catching back up with Zidane...

Zidane: Dammit, where is Bartz...

Squall: Because I believe I am not alone, I can continue on this war-ridden path on my own.

(Looking over the ledge, he sees Squall preparing to fight both Garland and Ultimecia at the same time)

Zidane: Squall?

Zidane: Idiot!*

  • (That's not exactly what he says, but it's the intent behind the delivery)

Squall: I'll prove it to you.

Squall: Though we are separated, we still fight together!

(And this is where Zidane knocks Garland down!)

Zidane: You're being too cool, Squall!

Squall: Zidane!

Squall: Why did you do that?

Zidane: Do you need a reason to help someone?

Zidane: Just leave this old man to me!

Garland: You showed no hesitation in choosing me.

Garland: You trend on dangerous ground, boy.

Zidane: Well, it would be awkward to fight a lady.*

  • (Note to Zidane: Ultimecia is not a lady. Ladies wear panties.

And Note to S-E: When you give people access to the camera, they will take screenshots like this.)   Zidane: Besides, who says I'm worried about facing you?


Garland: I must say that your skill made this quite enjoyable!

Zidane: Heh... he was pretty lively.

(and now we get back to our lion...)

Zidane: Squall!

Squall: Zidane, I owe you one.

Zidane: Don't worry about that.

Zidane: We don't have time to talk! We have a problem, a big problem!

Zidane: Bartz... Bartz has...

(and we cut away as Zidane explains the situation)

Squall: So that Bartz fellow was dropped into the enemy camp...

Zidane: Our own fault. We were both too wrapped up in our game.

Squall: You should be more careful. The bastards on the other side probably have their sights on you too.

Zidane: I won't lose sight of the goals here. And my next one is to go save Bartz.

Zidane: We just have to keep following this light.*

  • (refering to the power of the Magical Chocobo Feather of Friendship leading them to Bartz)

And thus, the find Bartz! Hooray!

Zidane: Bartz! We've been searching for you!

Bartz: Zidane! Squall, you came too!

Squall: You're certainly calm.

Bartz: No, really they're a tough bunch.

Bartz: But, look at this!

(Tada, a Crystal!)

Bartz: I was victorious in snatching away this prize from them.

Zidane: What... and to think I was really worried about you...

Zidane: Look how shrewd you are!

Squall: Wait, that is...

Bartz: Zidane!?

(Oh noes! Another trap! And this time, Zidane is whisked away from his companions)

Kuja: Finally, we meet again.

Zidane: Kuja!

Kuja: Your friend was such a good pawn. I had no doubt that he would deliver the trap right to you.

Zidane: Of all the dirty things you've done.... where are my friends!

Kuja: In your situation, are you honestly worried about those people?

Kuja: I shudder to think so.

Zidane: Answer me.

Kuja: Does being alone make you feel insecure?

Kuja: If everything you wished to protect suddenly vanished, what would you do?

Zidane: What?

Kuja: That is the unconquerable challenge I put before one burdened with the same fate as I.

Kuja: And when you realize just how powerless you are, that is when your heart shall shatter.

Kuja: For as your friends fall, you can do nothing to stop us.

Kuja: My little bird, imprisoned in your cage, all you shall hear are the lamentations of your friends.

Zidane: Shut up!

Kuja: I suggest that you ease into your first solo performance.

Zidane: ...Everyone...

And as Zidane languishes, Garland makes another attempt to talk to Kuja.

Garland: Don't be so impatient... Kuja.

Kuja: Et tu, Garland*... Have you also come to look down your nose at me?

  • (Obviously tweaked for reference. I thought it would fit given Kuja's flair for the dramatic)

Garland: No, I have not.

Garland: You and I are the same...

Garland: No, it is not just we two. Tangentially, we all the the same....even that witch, Ultimecia.

Garland: We are kindred souls burdened with similar fates. Even one as young as you is caught up in it.

Kuja: ...Tangentially similar? ...is that what... you said?

Kuja: Heh.... hehehehe... AHAHAHAHAHA!

Kuja: ...Now I finally understand.

Kuja: This is just another reason why all of you are inferior to me!

Kuja: Just you watch. The one adorned in a victorious finale... shall me be!

So, poor Zidane is left to try and find a way to escape.

Zidane: "Everyone... what should I do?"

(And then Cosmos appears in his hour of need)

Zidane: I don't think I have time for a date right now.

Cosmos: Zidane, do not be afraid.

Zidane: But I....

Zidane: I can do nothing to help them.

Cosmos: But there is something you can do in this situation.

Cosmos: Isn't that right?

Zidane: But, it's already too late...

Cosmos: Your friends believe in you.

Cosmos: And I know that you shall prevail.

Cosmos: You need to believe in them in turn.

Zidane: Believe... in everyone...

Cosmos: Your friends are strong.

Zidane: Yah, they are.

Zidane: They won't give up easily.

Zidane: And I will go make sure that they are safe.

Zidane: That is what I can do now!

Zidane: Thank you, Cosmos.

Zidane: And I am sorry that the lovely, encouraging lady I gladly serve caught me being so uncool.

Cosmos: That tenderness, it is your.... (strength)*

  • (She whispers this and it is not included in the subs)

Zidane: Cosmos!

Zidane: I will not hesitate any longer.

And thus, we get to our bout of brotherly fighting!

Zidane: Kuja, step aside.

Kuja: You want to take this path?  

Zidane: I want to go back to my friends.

Kuja: Why haven't you given up? If it is so terrible to be by yourself?

Zidane: I believe in them.

Kuja: Believe? In strangers? You're telling me that you trust them as friends?

Zidane: I am not playing around when I say I believe in them.

Zidane: And what about you, don't you have friends?

Kuja: Friends?

Kuja: Don't lump me together with that low-class lot!

Zidane: But...

Kuja: It's disappointing.

Kuja: Like trying to find joy as some hopeless tragedy is played out.

Kuja: Such preposterous rubbish.

Kuja: I shall bring his foolish drama to its conclusion here and now.

(scene change)

Kuja: I shall play for you - your requiem!

Zidane: Such noisy music!

Kuja: And this is only the first movement?

Zidane: Understand this - It's the climax!

(fight scene)

(And finally Zidane gets his Crystal!)

Zidane: If each of them give their all, we won't be defeated.

Zidane: Hey, Kuja

Zidane: Why do you find believing in other people to be so difficult?

Kuja: Believing in strangers... what good is it?

Kuja: Even when we gather together, is not everyone simply alone?*

  • (This was a really hard line to work with, so I did the best I could.)

Zidane: But by believing in them, you find your own path to be easier.

Kuja: Such noise! It grates on my ears!

Kuja: I will never approve of it.

Kuja: And when the curtain finally falls, I alone shall bask in the applause.*

  • (tweaked for poetry, but pretty much his final line)

Zidane: Kuja...

(and the Crystal leads Zidane back...)

Zidane: Could it be...

Zidane: Hey!

Zidane: "I believed in them, and they were waiting for me."

Zidane: "Because of them, I can overcome any obstacle."

Zidane: "And now, I know that without a doubt."

Zidane: "I came back to them, and I will make it home."

Credits to animekittysama

See also[]

Destiny Odysseys
I: Warrior of Light · II: Firion · III: Onion Knight · IV: Cecil Harvey · V: Bartz Klauser · VI: Terra Branford · VII: Cloud Strife · VIII: Squall Leonhart · IX: Zidane Tribal · X: Tidus
Shade Impulses
Chapter 1 · Chapter 2 · Chapter 3 · Chapter 4
Distant Glories
Heroes · Villains
Inward Chaos